How Clutter Impacts  Mental Health
Mental Health, Downsizing Declutter Deck Mental Health, Downsizing Declutter Deck

How Clutter Impacts Mental Health

When you become aware of the impact clutter has on your mental health, such as increasing your stress level, you see that clutter isn’t just clutter. It’s actually something that can cause you to engage in other unhealthy behaviors, one of which is impulse control. We show you the impact of clutter and why it’s important to contain it.

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Our Hybrid Re: Method®- Marie Kondo Meets The Uncluttered Life®

Our Hybrid Re: Method®- Marie Kondo Meets The Uncluttered Life®

At The Uncluttered Life, we worked with efficiency engineers to design the Re:Method. The Re:Method is based on engineering principles of lean manufacturing. This, in a nutshell, saves you money and waste. We help you organize and declutter, create a home where you actually know what you own, and why you own it.

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Organizing Hacks 101
Dupes, Organization Hacks Declutter Deck Dupes, Organization Hacks Declutter Deck

Organizing Hacks 101

Everyone loves a good organizing hack. It’s what saves you all the buying, returning, rebuying and trying to figure out exactly how to handle the annoying space that isn’t just quite right, no matter what you do to organize it. Organizing hacks are tricks that we’ve learned from working in so many homes that are all different. Try some!

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