Our Hybrid Re: Method®- Marie Kondo Meets The Uncluttered Life®

Many people think that by avoiding clutter organization or hiring an expert, they are saving themselves money because they’re not paying a professional organizer to help them declutter and organize. To this we say a heartfelt, “no.”

Experts in Efficiency and Waste Reduction

At The Uncluttered Life®, we have worked with efficiency experts to design our Re: Method. The Re: Method is based on sound engineering principles of waste reduction. Our process makes sense. If you think about it, the KonMari Method® is also based on engineering principles and waste reduction. The two work in tandem. We help you declutter and organize, create a home where you know what you own, and why you own what you do; this saves you time, money and energy.

Our Re: Method is a hybrid of The Uncluttered Life’s tried-and-true principles and the KonMari Method®. With extensive on-site work and Marie Kondo training, we simultaneously increase your efficiency and joy. Nothing makes us happier!

The Re: Method

Below you will find a summary of the seven steps of our Re: Method. For a full description and the way we can help you eliminate waste of your personal resources including, time, money and energy, please contact us to discuss your needs.

Step 1: Remove

Before removing everything from an area, take a moment to really observe the space and consider how you want it to function. The KonMari Method® discusses this, too. Ultimately, organization must be practical. When everything is grouped correctly and there is less visual clutter, the space will also be beautiful and peaceful. Ask yourself: what changes will make the biggest impact in my life and allow me to thrive? Keep these priorities front-and-center throughout the organization and decluttering process. Organize around YOUR needs, rather than trying to make your needs fit your organization layout.

Step 2: Reduce

This step has the most long-term impact of anything you will do during the decluttering process. The more you reduce, the less you will have to organize. We realize it’s hard to discard things you “might need,” or worry about a decision that you’ll regret later. Our advice to you: let it go! Need help? Contact us at The Uncluttered Life. We can talk you through this or work directly with you to help you declutter.

Step 3: Rearrange

This is the place most people start when decluttering on their own. It is the fourth step in the KonMari Method®, which is to put everything in its proper place. Many people start to rearrange their items, having failed to Remove and Reduce. If you do this step without performing the previous two, you are just moving your “stuff” around. You will experience less than satisfactory results, and this work will be never-ending. Instead, think categories! Group together similar items. Only you will know what makes sense to you.

Step 4: Reconstruct

This step excites people to purchase storage solutions. They run to Target, The Container Store®, or shop Amazon storage. Most often, this is a huge failure. There are several reasons: forgetting to measure the space, purchasing round baskets for square areas (remember our baskets vs. boxes blog?), or working without a game plan. Doing this step properly saves trips back and forth to the store. If you remember just one thing from this blog, remember this step is crucial to your success and try to resist the temptation to purchase organizing bins and boxes before you declutter.

Step 5: Re-Evaluate

Always remember that no two people’s organization needs are exactly alike. Listen to your own intuition, discuss how things are working with other family members, and take notes about what’s functioning and what isn’t. Remember, it all goes back to Step 1 when you tried to imagine your ideal lifestyle and storage needs.

Step 6: Restore

What good is all this organization and decluttering if you can’t maintain it? Decluttering your entire space, and then keeping it in order, makes your life easier. It also helps your family run more efficiently. Work to maintain your system, not as a full-time job, but with respect for your space. Regular maintenance keeps things in working order. Tidying up a little extra once or twice a month should be enough to keep your space functioning well. A good idea for keeping things maintained is to purchase our Declutter Deck®. This will remind you to maintain your space and keep you organized.

Step 7: Relax

Decluttering and organizing your home is just the first step on a journey toward good physical and mental health. By keeping things in order, you allow yourself extra time and space to enjoy your family, life, and environment. You may even cultivate more time for yourself.

Interested in getting started? We can meet virtually to help you along your journey. Virtual visits are easy and quick, and help you get on the right path from the word “go.” We can save you time and money, and really, isn’t that what creating an efficient, beautiful space is all about for you?


Someday Syndrome - The Cause of Clutter


Boxes vs. Baskets - Which Is Better For Organizing?