Paper and Piles: Oh My! How to Declutter Paper

I like Marie Kondo’s approach to paper organization. Her basic rule for papers is discard everything. That’s hard for some people, especially me. I have a love affair with paper. Organizing the paper category is the third place in the KonMari Method® where we get more control of our lives. The first is clothing. For some people, it’s the opposite way around. Working through paperwork encourages immediate action and can effect real change. Paperwork as a category represents things that you may have been avoiding, so once you work through paper, it will relieve stress in your everyday life and allow for better energy flow. I know this to be a fact!

It’s possible to have paper organization!

How to Tidy Paper

First, I make room. Lots of it. Gather all the loose papers in your house that you have sitting around on your kitchen counter, desk, on top of your filing cabinet, in a drawer. Put them all in one pile. One of the benefits, people say, about going through unaddressed paperwork is that they find money. Uncashed checks, cash, and perhaps a receipt to something that needs to be returned. This is what pays you back for going through your paperwork. Think of it as a gift.

Discard Everything

Discarding everything means to choose from what you have on the premise that everything will be discarded. A single sheet of paper takes up almost no room, which makes it very easy to accumulate far too many before you realize it. If you don’t approach the selection process with a commitment to getting rid of them all, you will barely make a dent in the overall volume. Remember, many things are available on the internet. Getting rid of a lot of paper will make your life less cumbersome.

Keep only those papers for which there is a clear purpose - those you are currently using, those you will need for a limited period, and those that you need to keep indefinitely.

Sort the Paper into Three Piles

According to the KonMari Method®, paper needs to be placed in three piles:

Pending Papers, that are time sensitive, should be placed on your desk. The pending pile includes bills, invitations, refunds, orders that you need to keep track of, lab slips, paperwork for upcoming appointments, thank you notes - if you add too many papers to your pending file, you will be reluctant to deal with them later. Keep the pile thin. Put these in a pending file such as this.

Frequently Accessed Papers that have a due date, such as a project or homeowner issues. Sort frequently accessed papers by category. File them in manila folders with tabs and place them in a file box such as this.

Infrequently Accessed Papers including Medical EOBS, Transcripts, and Reference Materials. Place these in a file cabinet. Sort infrequently accessed papers by category. File in manila folders with tabs.

Make A Pending Box

Suggestions for a pending box include magazine holders with labels, file folders with labels, and vertical filing. I use magazine holders, which make access a snap. Make sure you have one pending box for each person in your family. Once you’ve finished tidying up your papers, check the contents of your pending box. Is it full? When it comes to pending papers, it’s best to set aside a specific time and day to deal with them in one fell swoop.

Working Through the Pending Box is Key

Papers that can be recycled once you’ve checked the contents (for example, bills) should be dealt with immediately. Then, move on to those that require a response or some type of action. Things that are pending weigh on your mind far more than you might realize. You will have much greater peace of mind if you deal with them early in the process. Review the contents of your pending file at the same time, same day, of each week. This helps things from slipping through the cracks.

Need More Home Office Organization Help?

For more help with paper control, which really does affect the stress in your life, give us a call to discuss your needs. We love to help people declutter their paperwork. Since each person’s paper pile is unique, a one-on-one session can help you make headway and finally get your paperwork under control.

The Uncluttered Life® has expertise in medical paperwork, especially for those on Medicare. We are happy to help you set up a medical paperwork system that works for you, and help you get control of your paper clutter once and for all.


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