Make Space for Abundance by Decluttering

There is no doubt that decluttering your home makes your physical space feel good. Decluttering clears your mind and energy (remember, Feng Shui), and creates space for new things and abundance to come into your life.

Clutter can stagnate your energy and make you feel suffocated. Decluttering and organizing your space make a tremendous difference in the way you feel. You feel lighter, less weighed down by clutter, less overwhelmed, and more energetic.

It’s liberating to know what you own, and where everything is. It helps you let go of your past and step fully into the present. It even helps propel you forward in your life. Decluttering is, in its own way, a form of therapy. It helps you make peace with your memories and your emotions. Like clutter that has accumulated in your home, you don’t have to carry the memories and emotions around with you anymore.

The environment in which we live really matters, even more than you realize.

Every object carries its own energy. We speak a lot about this in yoga. If you raise your vibration, your heart feels lighter. You will also have a more positive approach to life and attract the good.

It’s important to declutter because it clears stale or stagnant energy.

We discussed, in our original post on Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese art of positioning objects so that they will either promote or block the flow of energy. You need this energy to flow to feel happy, healthy, and draw abundance into your life.

Clutter prevents the flow of energy. You feel “stuck” or unmotivated, exhausted, and just blah. Living can feel like a chore, like you’re riding against the tide. Comparatively, a clear and tidy space allows the energy to flow and circulate, under beds, through rooms, and in a clear direction. This calms you and provides a more peaceful life.

Your internal and external environments need to be aligned.

A cluttered environment affects how you feel on the inside. It also has an impact on your mental health and can make you feel overwhelmed and stressed. It causes chaos. When you hold onto physical clutter, you hold on to mental clutter, as well. When you rid yourself of the clutter around you, your mind is free. Decluttering helps reduce anxiety, negative thoughts, and stories that limit your potential.

Decluttering - One of the most important forms of self-care.

All the clutter that surrounds you keeps you in a state of anxiety and unease. It’s been proven in many studies. You never feel entirely relaxed or centered. The fewer things you have in your physical environment, the less chaos you experience.

While decluttering, you may experience emotions from the past that are associated with objects, whether you keep them or not. For example, a gift from a best friend from long ago brings up emotions. You miss your friend; the object reminds you of your past. You think about how sometimes friendships die a natural death. You wonder if you should try to get back in touch. Each object that you touch to your heart tells you a story. You can keep the object or let the object go. When letting go, you detach from the old emotion and make space for the new to enter your life. In either case, thank the object for what it has taught you.

A space that brings you joy and harmony makes you feel good. At times self-care is uncomfortable. Eventually, though, you will feel much better. When you have more space around you, you have more space in your mind to think clearly, calmly, and from a fresh perspective. This will serve you in making decisions, large or small, and move your life forward.

Your home should make you happy.

Decluttering and organizing your home are a way to honor yourself. And to show appreciation for the things that your home provides. Homes provide shelter, warmth, a place to be safe, and a place to grow. What a wonderful way to give back to a space that provides so much. Clearing out and tidying your space will help you relax in your environment. It works wonders for your mental health, too.

Where and how to declutter.

Tackling your clutter can be overwhelming. There is no right or wrong way to declutter. Do what is the least stressful to you, and what you find to be most manageable. You can also declutter smaller bits every day with our Declutter Deck®. Our Declutter Deck® allows you to declutter in bite-sized pieces with organization prompts. Start small. By following the prompts, you’ll be able to tackle your entire home.

Final thoughts on abundance.

Decluttering, organizing, and revitalizing your space improve your energy, make you feel lighter, healthier, and more alive. There is also a bonus to donating things you no longer want or need. These donations will be treasures to someone else. When you give away and let go of things, your energy shifts. You will see that in all areas of your life, things improve. You will feel better, both physically and mentally. Your relationships will improve because you feel less stressed. Even your relationship to work and money will change for the better. Life will be easier, more joyous, and abundant. You will be content to live with less and be more grateful for what you have.


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